Child Counseling

Child counseling is generally not an easy topic for parents to discuss. Nobody wants their child to need therapy. Unfortunately, there are many difficult issues that children may encounter that a qualified professional can help them deal with. Being an adolescent and a teen today has challenges that many of us never experienced in our own childhood. Cassandra enjoys working with adolescents and teens to help them navigate the world today.

We often forget that what separates a child from an adult isn’t so much what they understand. It’s more how they cope with things and how they express themselves. It’s easy to lose track of this as children go through school, family changes, and natural development. Child counseling offers your children the opportunity to express themselves in a safe environment that is attuned to their needs and challenges. Therapy provides the tools to bring about change in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Parent Participation Is Crucial

When a child participates in counseling, it is expected that the parents are also active participants. Parents should be engaged in the process, willing to be involved in sessions, and receptive to feedback. Engaging in child counseling is not about “fixing” the child or the parent. Instead, it is about allowing the child a space to open up and connect. Children receive emotional and goal support during their sessions. They may focus on resolving conflict, understanding their own thoughts and feelings, or coming up with new solutions to problems.

Specializing In The Impact Of Divorce On Children

Casandra specializes in child counseling for children experiencing divorce. Drawing on her own past she helps children communicate their concerns and cope with the many challenges they face due to a divorce. It is important to remember that children do not ask for their parents to divorce and they face many challenges and emotions related to their parents’ divorce and should be able to express them and communicate their needs without judgment or anger from their parents.

Cassandra works with children from age 11 to 17 years old.

Sessions are typically 55 mins long and can include coloring, drawing, and game playing depending on the age of the child.

Parental participation is typically one session out of every 4 or as necessary.